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Pimsiri Nilkositya


A data-driven designer who applies a user-centric mindset to the design process 
to understand the needs and implement them into a distinctive design execution. My 
passion for elevating the well-being of people has made me put a lot of effort into 
research to explore the possibilities, immerse and empathize with people to gain insights. 
By using these design methodologies, I can carry out an innovative design to put user 
needs to the point. My designs were awarded by prestigious international design 
competitions which value creativity and outstanding design quality.



Bachelor degree of Industrial Design (2014-2018) 2nd Class Honors
Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


“Por-dee”: Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019: Honorable Mention

“Sit and Slip On”:1st runner-up Design Category at the Global Student Innovation Challenge for Assistive Technology 2017 (gSIC-AT 2017), Kobe, Japan

Work experiences:
Service Design for National Knowledge Center (Sep-Dec 2018): Empathized, analyzed, and synthesized about the meaning of knowledge and designed a service concept for National Knowledge Center


Government Innovation Center Project (Oct-Dec 2018) : Contributed content for Design Thinking Toolkit which focuses on 
improving services for citizens 


Service Design for Innovation for renewable energy from waste and solar power (Mar 2021-ongoing) 
: Immersed in the site and empathized, analyzed, and synthesized the meaning of trash and designed an archetype of trash collection service in a community area of Nongkham district, Bangkok


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